
Throughout the journey, the unruly buddha shares some general statements about living. Here they are collected along with links to those particular statements.

Principle #1: Impermanence

The unruly buddha knows that everything is impermanent, everything is changing.

The Lesson of the Gardenias
The things in our garden that seem so small—a pair of flowers on a bush in mid-May—echo the patterns of the great and cosmic.
Everything Passes. Everything Changes.
Mountains erode. Continents drift. Planets orbit stars which orbit the centers of their galaxies which move through space and time at unimaginable speeds.

Principle #2: Self-Examination

The unruly buddha lives a life of self-examination, not to drag himself down, but to think clearly about what it means to really live.

Finding the Brain’s Middle Way
The unruly buddha lives a life of self-examination, not to drag himself down, but to think clearly about what it means to really live.